Graham Winchester
My name is Graham Winchester and I am a lifelong, proud
Memphian. My parents are Rick and Cindy Winchester, an attorney and a retired
teacher. I graduated from St. George’s Independent School in 2006 and then
attended college at the University of Tennessee and University of Memphis. In
college I studied communications and jazz music/studio music. I have
always played drums, piano and bass in bands around town, and that landed me a
job at Sun Studio where I’ve worked as a tour guide both full/part time for 5
years. Real estate has always fascinated me, and I’ve always been obsessed with
Memphis housing and history, so it was nice to get connected with Joel via a
live performance at Railgarten in midtown. I got my license in September and
have been working part time at Sun Studio, running an indie record label I
started, and now helping my clients buy or sell their home. I’m happy to
be a part of the Hobson family and can’t wait to see what’s in store!